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Garage Beer Co / ガレージビア
スタイルIPA - Hazy Triple IPA / ヘイジートリプルIPA


Mosaic,Idaho7 Cryo,Idaho7,Amarilloを使用したTIPA。青みがかったパイナップル、ブルーベリー、オレンジのようなアロマが非常に柔らかなテクスチャーの液体から感じられるものの程良くドライに仕上がっており今の暑い季節でもアルコールを感じ過ぎずスイスイ行ってしまうような味わい。

We started trialling Mosaic Spectrum, the liquid dry product form Barth Haas over the last few months and we have been really impressed with the zingy, almost sherbety character that we got from it. So we’ve paired that with one of our modern favourites Idaho 7 and an older classic in Amarillo. This combintation brings boat loads of slightly green pineapple, sweet blueberry, orange, sticky pine and little black tea buried in the mix. As the summer is well and truly here, we have built this fruity assault over a slightly drier yet extremely soft and fluffy base to make a TIPA that is dangerously drinkable.

Hops : Mosaic spectrum, amarillo, idaho 7


