Field to Ferment Fresh Hop Pale / フィールド トゥー ファーメント
Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイングスタイル | ペールエール - American Pale Ale / アメリカンペールエール |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | 50.0 |
Brewing is the craft of blending science with artistry then introducing the mystical. Field to Ferment exemplifies this adventure and represents a colossal collaboration between the brewery and our hop farmers. Nothing is fresher, nothing is better for a brewer. So, please do enjoy this beer absolutely fresh, and enjoy the adventure this beer represents…Because Fresh Hop Beer Matters! “Fresh hops are the best hops.” – VWP
Down & Dirty: 2-Row Pale, Munich Malt, White Wheat, and Acidulated Malt with FRESH Centennial and Simcoe hops, and Centennial and Simcoe dry hop.
ABV: 6.0% IBU: 50
Color: Light amber
Aroma: Citrus notes with grapefruit shining through. Stone fruit, melon, tropical, floral, and grassy aromas add complexity, with light pine
Flavor: Gently sweet with a moderate bitterness in a light, mouthwatering body
2017 Great American Beer Festival, Fresh or Wet Hop Ale – Silver
ブルワリー Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイング
ワシントン州シアトル / Seattle, WA
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Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイング