Sacrilege Sour Cherry / サクリレジ サワーチェリー
Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダースタイル | Cider / サイダー - Cider / サイダー |
ABV | 5.0% |
IBU | - |
Others profess to produce a cherry cider, but none begin with 100% sour Granny Smith apples (eschewing all other apple varieties for their lack of sourness) unified with the superior Montmorency sour cherry (aka Prunus cerasus, a superior and vastly dissimilar cherry to Prunus avid, the bird cherry, the mere mazzard, so commonly used in cough syrup and children’s sweet-snacks) and the exotic Morello sour cherry (hailing from my native country of Hungary), fermented with an English Ale yeast (procured from a fine brewery in Chiswick, London), rounded out with a spot of Bartlett pear juice (undeniably the world's greatest pear-flavored pear) and completed with a touch of spiciness (largely attributable to the ghost chili pepper, although married with a secret spice), precisely enough to make your vigor race and spirits embrace another gulp.
ブルワリー Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
オレゴン州ポートランド / Portland, OR
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Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
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Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
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Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
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Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
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Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
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Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider / レヴァレンドナッツハードサイダー
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