Saison Van De Bruwer / セゾンヴァンデブルワー
Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌスタイル | その他 - Saison / セゾン |
ABV | 5.3% |
IBU | - |
Saison van de Bruwer is a spelled Saison, dry-hopped and fermented with the addition of Brettanomyces. It contains 5.3% alcohol. Her dress is blonde, opalescent; its foam, very persistent, is creamy and fine. Very aromatic and fruity, its nose is reminiscent of pineapple, quince, apricot and green currants. A “funky” touch typical of Brettanomyces completes the picture. On the palate, these same aromas are intensified, added with cereal notes of spelled, a floral touch and a finish reminiscent of lime zest. If its attack is mellow, its finish is very dry and very bitter, two character traits typical of the Saison style of the 1920s. It is super refreshing, which inspired its name: Bruwers beer was indeed once in Flanders a light and thirst-quenching beer drunk (mainly) by brewery workers. The Season van de Bruwer, tested and approved by our team, does not deny its origins!
Style: Spelled Season w. Brett
ブルワリー Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌ
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One / ワン
Teenage Brewing / ティーンエイジ ブルーイング
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Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌ
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Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌ
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Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌ
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Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌ
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ひのさとブリュワリー / Hinosato Brewery