Brett Porter / ブレットポーター

Brasserie De La Senne / デラセーヌ
スタイルポーター - Porter / ポーター


1800年代の伝統的なロンドン ポーターにインスピレーションを受けています。ただしデ・ラ・セーヌのポーターは樽熟成ではなく、自分たちのブレタノマイセスで発酵させ、モルトはイングリッシュモルトを使用。きめ細かい泡は持ちが良く、ブレタノマイセス由来の革の風味や古いキルシュのような熟したチェリーのニュアンス、かすかにスモーキーさも。モカやココアパウダー、プルーンを思わせる味わいでボディはまろやかで軽く、驚くほど爽やかで飲みやすい!

Brett Porter is inspired by the ancient London Porters, superstar beers of the 1800s preserved in giant wooden barrels in which Brettanomyces yeasts would develop. Our Porter is not barrel-aged, but rather co-fermented with our house Brettanomyces, and brewed with magnificent special English malts.
She is black with a ruby accent. Her foam is dark beige, fine and persistent. The Brettanomyces are well present in the nose and add a winy character with hints of ripe cherries, as an old kirsh, and a bit of leather. A roasted, slightly smoky touch completes the picture. We find these flavours back in the mouth, accompanied by notes of moka, cocoa powder, and prunes. Her body is mellow but light, which makes her surprisingly refreshing and easy to drink! 5,7% abv, available in 33cl bottles only.


