ALL G / オールジー
Hop Nation Brewing Co / ホップネイションブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Double IPA (W IPA) / ダブルIPA |
ABV | 8.0% |
IBU | - |
The Crafty Pint
The Crafty Pint
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Colliers Peninsula- A2
Hop Nation All G
Double IPA
New Zealand hops have a global reputaiton and by and large, they come from one region on the country's southern island. But far further south than Nelson is Southland and Garston Hops, a farm that’s long been home to sheep but finished only their third commercial hop harvest earlier this year. Having both sheep and hops in the fields is a useful way to farm too, with the former able to clean up the weeds and keep the grass down but effective lawn control isn't the main reason Garston started growing hops. Their southern farm has longer days and unique soils with the distinct growing region giving those hops their own terrior and courtesy of Hop Nation, Australian drinkers have the chance to try and pick the difference.
All G is a double IPA that takes Nelson Sauvin from that farm and partners it with Mosaic for a big and bold West Coast style that's packed full of fruit-foward flavours. It's one that moves between topical, ripe stonefruit and citrus, with apricot, pineapple, passionfruit and mango all present in equal measures and joined by citrus that lands somewhere between mandarin and lime.
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