Export Stout / エクスポート スタウト

スタイルスタウト - Stout / スタウト


北米においてアフリカ系の人種の歴史を啓蒙するBlack History Monthを祝して造られたスタウト。ダークチョコレートやジャマイカンラムケーキ、シンダートフィーを想わせる奥深いキャラクターが感じられる。フルボディで香ばしく濃厚な甘味ある味わいが口内いっぱいに広がり、最後ロースティーな苦みと共に心地よい余韻が残る。芳醇な味わいが存分に楽しめる至極の一本と仕上がった。

The idea for this beer came about last year when our Brewer Jamaar Lowe pitched it as a way to celebrate Black History Month. Over the past couple of months Jamaar played a central role in creating the recipe, taking part in the label design process, and of course, executing the brew.

From Jamaar: “I’ve been working in the craft beer industry for the better half of a decade and I think it’s high-time we celebrate folks who look like me and devote ourselves to brewing and generally creating enjoyment for those around us.

My pops always taught me that we can't celebrate who we are, how far we've come or where we're going, without acknowledging the past. That's why I wanted to brew an Export Stout - a maligned style of beer that has led to innovations in brewing, and strong beer cultures in Jamaica, the rest of the Caribbean and Africa. Not to mention, the rest of the world...

I’m proud that as part of this project, Bellwoods will be donating funds to the @africanfoodbskt , an organization that’s dedicated to championing Food Justice and Food Sovereignty for our people. I truly believe that access to food is access to culture. Deprivation from either is a major barrier for folks entering our trade [or any career].”

This full-bodied Export Stout features roasty, malty aromatics, with light caramel flavours that give way to a sweet, dry bitterness. Enjoy notes of dark chocolate, Jamaican rum cake and sponge toffee, with a burnt demerara aftertaste.



