地母神へのささげ(ちぼしん) / Wheat Offering

スタイルその他 - Saison / セゾン



As everyone probably knows, beer is usually made from four main ingredients: malt, hops, water, and yeast. Malt can take many forms, but for the most part the base grain is barley. Wheat is used quite regularly, but normally in small percentages to improve beer foam or up to 50% of the total grain recipe in wheat beers like hefeweizen. Using 100% wheat malt, like we did for this beer, is almost unheard of and was a unique challenge for us to overcome.
There are several reasons for wheat taking the back seat in recipes, but when it comes down to it the main one is an issue of convenience. As anyone who has played with paper mache or done low-cost DIY repairs on their Japanese screens, wheat flour gets incredibly sticky when it gets wet due to its high gluten protein content. This stickiness causes endless headaches in the brewhouse as the malted wheat is mixed with water to convert starches into the sugary liquid that becomes the base of the beer. To make matters worse, the husk on wheat kernels is quite loosely attached to the grain, meaning that it is lost during processing into malt. This means that there are no husks available to help assist the flow of liquid on brew day. Long story short, the more wheat you use, the more you risk creating one great big doughball instead of beer.
Despite these drawbacks, the bread-like aromas and soft sweetness of wheat malt are uniquely delicious and the ones we wanted to feature Wheat Offering. There is a bit of a grainy character remaining in the beer that is reminiscent of coarsely ground wheat flour. The sweet, bready flavour of the wheat malt provides a nice background and depth of flavour, while the spicy herbal character of the European hops creates an extra layer of complexity and a dry finish.
We hope you enjoy this unique offering to the bounty of grains that nature provides!


