Firecracker / ファイアクラッカー

Mountain Culture Beer Co / マウンテンカルチャービアカンパニー
スタイルスタウト - Imperial Stout / インペリアルスタウト


Single Oとコラボレーション!魅惑的なコーヒースタウト
Single O Shibuyaと、夏の風物詩「すみだ花火大会」にインスパイアされ、チョコレートで覆われたイチゴと、コーヒーが黒ゴマの風味を感じさせる。チェリーの香りも特徴。ミルキーなボディが加わった重層的でバランスのとれた味わいは、贅沢な時間にぴったり。

Thanks to our mates at Single O, we’ve created a decadent coffee stout that heroes their special Firecracker blend to see out our 2024 Stout Series with a bang.

Inspired by their new coffee bar in Shibuya, Tokyo, and the Sumida Fireworks Festival, one of the many summer festivals in Japan, we’ve added chocolate covered strawberries and black sesame to complement the huge cherry and chocolate notes from the coffee. The result is a layered, balanced stout with an extra milky body for extra indulgence.

Note: This beer does not contain sesame seeds. In the end we felt that enough of that character came from the coffee.

Ingredients: Water, malted barley, malted and unmalted oats, lactose (from milk), hops, yeast. Contains milk.



