Foeder Kura / フーダー クラ
Indeed Brewing / インディードブルーイングスタイル | ラガー - Lager / ラガー |
ABV | 5.5% |
IBU | - |
2年の月日を経て、NY初の酒蔵Brooklyn Kuraとのコラボ企画が完成。
"Gjærkrans" というノルウェー伝統のリース型の酵母を使い山廃仕込みをして造られたのが、Brooklyn Kuraの大人気商品 BYx Yamahai。
スタイル:Foeder-aged Yamahai Sake Kasu Lager with Tea
Foeder-Aged Lager with Yamahai Sake Kasu Yeast & Jasmine Pearls Tea.
This collaboration with Brooklyn Kura brings together the passion and artistry that has become our respective life's work in sake and wood-aged sour beer making.
Brooklyn Kura fermented their yamahai sake with a Gjærkrans - a hand-made, traditional Norwegian yeast wreath - which hangs from the ceiling and gathers their brewery's essence over time. We then brewed a rice-based lager fermented with that sake kasu - the 'lees', or spent rice, that is leftover and pressed after their yamahai sake production. Through primary fermentation at New Belgium with this kasu, we're able to harness the unique flor of micro-organisms by way of Brooklyn. We then blended in a portion of foeder-aged golden sour and Jasmine Pearls tea, resulting in a floral bouquet of jasmine, pear, and honeysuckle. This truly is a one-of-a-kind beer that we hope gives you pause for pondering.
ブルワリー Indeed Brewing / インディードブルーイング
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