Bohemian Grove IPA / ボヘミアン グローブIPA
Karl Strauss Brewing / カールストラウススタイル | IPA - American IPA / アメリカンIPA |
ABV | 7.0% |
IBU | 64.0 |
サンディエゴを拠点に活躍する新進気鋭なブリュワリーBurgeon Beer Companyとのコラボビール。
Pale 2 Row Maltと White Wheatベースのシルクの様に滑らかな麦汁に、 HBC 586、El Dorado、Citraを追加。
ホップ:HBC 586, El Dorado, Citra
Deep in the woods lies a secret hideout, an escape for artists and dreamers and adventurers. Legend has it, two brewers formed a sacred alliance there and crafted a powerful elixir. (“Hang on, aren’t you both from San Diego? You don’t live in the woods, you just brewed a collab beer. What are you talking about?”) Hey we’re setting the scene, go with it! Ahem. Introducing Bohemian Grove, a West Coast IPA brewed with our friends at Burgeon. Tropical fruit aromas and notes of freshly squeezed citrus are backed by firm yet balanced bitterness. Viva la vie boheme.
ABV: 7.0%
Color: 5 SRM
Bitterness: 64 IBU
Style: West Coast IPA
Malt: Pale 2 Row Malt, White Wheat
Hops: HBC 586, El Dorado, Citra
ブルワリー Karl Strauss Brewing / カールストラウス
CA,San Diego / カリフォルニア州,サンディエゴ
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