Strawberry Shortcake / ストロベリーショートケーキ
Great Notion Brewing / グレートノーションブリューイングスタイル | サワー - Sour / サワー |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
Have you been drinking with Great Notion long enough to remember a beer named Zest? Zest was a traditional unfruited Berliner Weisse. This sour wheat beer was great on its own, but we also added fruits and flavors to Zest and created some of our most memorable sour beers. Key Lime Pie, Blueberry Muffin, Big Papaya, and Strawberry Shortcake all get their start from the same Zest recipe.
These beers are simple by design, but the flavors are intense in a crushable format. Strawberry Shortcake begins with a mash of Pilsner malt and wheat. After we convert the starches to sugar, we let the wort sour overnight by using the kettle souring process. After the lactobacillus sours the wort, we start to boil the beer on the second day. Loral hops are used in the whirlpool for a touch of citrus aroma in the beer without adding bitterness. We develop the shortcake flavor with the malts used and the process of fermentation.The last step is to sweetener the beer up with strawberry and vanilla.
ブルワリー Great Notion Brewing / グレートノーションブリューイング
OR,Portland, / オレゴン州,ポートランド
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