Blueberry Muffin / ブルーベリーマフィン
Great Notion Brewing / グレートノーションブリューイングスタイル | サワー - Sour / サワー |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
“This tastes exactly like a Blueberry Muffin!” We’ve all heard this before, and we’ve all been guilty of saying it. Blueberry Muffin is one of our most requested sour beers, and it’s been helping us keep beer fun since 2016. If you are new to beer, or think you don’t enjoy beer it’s time to try the Muffin.
We start this sweet and sour beer with a mash of pale Pilsner malt and wheat. After we mash the beer, we leave it in our kettle overnight so the Lactobacillus that naturally lives on the malt can start to sour the sugary sweet wort. The next step is to boil the beer and lock in the right ratio of sugar to water. We move the beer over to the whirlpool and add a small amount of Mosaic hops for good measure. Once we are ready to start fermentation, we also add blueberry puree. After this process we add more fruit to dial in the correct color, aroma, and flavor. This easy drinker is sweet, sour, and quite a conversation starter.
ブルワリー Great Notion Brewing / グレートノーションブリューイング
OR,Portland, / オレゴン州,ポートランド
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