THINGS SEEN IN THE SKY / シングシーンインザスカイ

Garage Beer Co / ガレージビア
スタイルIPA - Double IPA (W IPA) / ダブルIPA


口に含んだ瞬間のフレーバーを非常に軽やかでジューシーなアロマ感であるのに対して、後半は複層にちりばめられた厚みのあるアロマの質感に変化していくという非常に世界観のある味わい。 Strata, Simcoe,Columbus,Mosaic,Citraを使用してダンク&スティッキーかつレモニーなWeedっぽいアロマと味わい。

You know when you smell that really dank, sticky, lemony weed? Neither do we. But if we did, this DIPA is how we think it would smell. We’ve packed all of our dankest hops into this DIPA. Between Strata, Simcoe and Columbus we get tons of fresh cut grass, pine resin, marijuana, pink grapefruit and a touch of sweet candy. Then we layered in the sweaty, pineapple and mango of one of our lots of Mosaic before pushing a bit more citrus character with a very grapefruit and guava forward batch of Citra. With a slightly lower finishing gravity but a pumped up water profile this DIPA is round and drinkable.


