Goat Witch / ゴート ウィッチ
Holy Goat Brewing / ホーリーゴート ブリューイングスタイル | サワー - Sour / サワー |
ABV | 7.0% |
IBU | - |
Heaven Hillのバーボン樽で熟成させた分20%と80%のステンレスタンクで熟成されたフランダースレッドとブレンド。
BA Blended Flanders Red with Scottish Tayberries
Inspired by Flanders Reds of old, Goat Witch is a blended sour red ale combining 80% provision strength ‘young’ stock beer aged in steel, with around 20% ‘mature’ stock beer aged in ex-Heaven Hill bourbon oak barrels. The combination of old and young beers has produced a complex sweet and sour flavour profile with a subtle oak character.
This blended base was transferred onto 220g/l of 2022 harvest of Scottish Tayberries, sourced from farms located within 40 miles of the brewery. Tayberries are a cross between raspberries and blackberries. Expect complex raspberry aroma to dominate, with blackberry-forward characteristics on the palate.
Drink now or age, this will get weirder.
Hail the goat!
ブルワリー Holy Goat Brewing / ホーリーゴート ブリューイング
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Holy Goat Brewing / ホーリーゴート ブリューイング
2023 ホッピー ニューイヤー ピルスナー / 2023 Hoppy New Year Pilsner
NUMBER NINE BREWERY / ナンバーナインブルワリー