#4 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative IPA with Highland Park and Monkish
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフスタイル | IPA - IPA (Indian Pale Ale) / アイピーエー |
ABV | 6.8% |
IBU | - |
Two of the best in the LA brewing scene and just in general combined with us on this IPA with Galaxy and a newer experimental, HBC1019. Our galaxy has notes of sweet passion fruit and peach and HBC1019 has an uncanny similarity to candy peach rings. Cheers to some of our favorite people for making this beer with us.
#4 9th Anniversary Collaborative IPA with Highland Park and Monkish (6.8%)
Hops: Galaxy, HBC1019
ブルワリー Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
ニューヨーク州ブルックリン / Blooklyn, NY
#6 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Imperial IPA with Troon and Fidens
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#5 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Smoothie Sour with Mortalis and Messorem
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#3 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative West Coast IPA with Burial
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#2 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Pale Ale with Holy Mountain
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
Mozaic Hop Lager / モザイクホップラガー
常陸野ネストビール / Hitachino Nest Beer (木内酒造)
Vine Shine / ヴァインシャイン
Magnify Brewing / マグニフィーブリューイング
修善寺ヘリテッジヘレス / Shuzenji Heritage Helles
Baird Brewing / べアードブルーイング
登別地ビール 鬼伝説 / Oni Densetsu
Yes Indeed / イエスインディード
Superflux Beer Company / スーパーフラックス
5th Anniversary IPA
Peated Belgian Stout Ver.1
ビール工房Spica / Spica Brewing
Grapefruit Juicy Ale / グレープフルーツジューシーエール
近江麦酒 / OMI BEER
The Three Shadows Part I / ザスリーシャドウズ パートⅠ
Root + Branch Brewing / ルートブランチ ブリューイング
Trippy Lifting / トリッピー リフティング
Fast Fashion / ファストファッション
うしとらブルワリー / Ushi Tora Brewery
うしとらブルワリー / Ushi Tora Brewery
#1 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Tmavé Pivo with KCBC and Fifth Hammer
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#2 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Pale Ale with Holy Mountain
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#3 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative West Coast IPA with Burial
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#5 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Smoothie Sour with Mortalis and Messorem
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#6 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Imperial IPA with Troon and Fidens
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#7 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Imperial IPA with Green Cheek
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
#8 - 9th Anniversary Collaborative Triple India Pale Ale with Trillium and Cloudwater
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ
Who Remembers 3rd Anniversary
Other Half Brewing / アザーハーフ