Duck for Cover / ダック フォー カバー
One Drop Brewing / ワンドロップブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Hazy Triple IPA / ヘイジートリプルIPA |
ABV | 10.0% |
IBU | - |
Quack quack MFs. Duck for Cover is our first DDH Triple IPA and what better way to explore this hop loaded madness than with our kindred pals from the great north - Duckpond Brewing from Gothenburg Sweden. Beermash joined the dots to get us brewing together with the lots.
Keen to use a new hybridised, thiol-active yeast strain we were able to get the most out of the big double doses of Nelson, Citra and Bru-1 hops that were added during fermentation. After a final run through our Clean Fusion dry hop process, we're left with a massive IPA with an unapologetic focus on hop character and balancing bitterness.
Our brewers on the ground describe this intercontinental combo as smooth and sexy, and a lot like Nikola himself, and is one TIPA you don’t want to miss out on.
ブルワリー One Drop Brewing / ワンドロップブリューイング
5 Erith St, Botany NSW 2019
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