Amber Blend #42 / アンバーブレンド #42
Wildflower Brewing & Blending / ワイルドフラワーブリューイング&ブレンディングスタイル | その他エール - Wild Ale / ワイルドエール |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
Wildflower が醸造するコアビールのうちの1つ、Amber Blend. オーガニックのNZ産Motuekaとチェコ産Saazの軽めのホッピングでトースティーなキャラクターとバランスをとったこのアンバーエールは、オーストラリアに自生する花から採取したものなど、多様な醸造用野生酵母とバクテリアによって低温で時間をかけてファーメンテーション。フレンチオークバレルで熟成された数種の樽をブレンドし、丸みのあるモルトの滑らかな味わいをさらに発展させ、独自の野生酵母によるファンキーで酸味のある味わいが特徴。
Amber is a well cellared, rounded, malt-accentuated mixed culture ale wholly fermented by a diversity of yeasts and bacteria collected from native flowers from NSW.
A rich and complex malt-accentuated barrel aged ale wholly fermented by a diversity of yeasts and bacteria collected from native flowers from NSW. Aromas of red currant, cacao and sultana pair with figgy sweetness and balanced acidity to produce an ale with weight, texture and richness.
Our Amber recipe calls for a blend of freshly roasted grains in combination with pale malt to develop deep red colour and malt sweetness. Light levels of hopping balance with the toasty characters in an extended cooler fermentation with our house mixed culture. Following fermentation, we rack Amber into French oak barrels to further develop a smooth palate and express funky, tart characteristics from our indigenous yeast. We select and blend well evolved barrels for a beer with a desired malt forward character. The slightly heavier characteristics of this beer make a fantastic complement to food and offer a variety of flavours to both compare and contrast in pairing.
Meesh's tasting notes - A beautiful reddish brown in the glass. The nose is all brown sugar and cooking spices, a perfectly Easter blend. On the palate, sweet malt and raisin lead into roasty malt and a structural oak backbone. A cleansing zip of acid makes for an incredibly moreish beverage.
ブルワリー Wildflower Brewing & Blending / ワイルドフラワーブリューイング&ブレンディング
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