Citrust / シトラスト

EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
スタイルペールエール - American Pale Ale / アメリカンペールエール


アメリカンホップ、レモン、グレープ フルーツの皮のニュアンスと組み合わせが心地よく、柑橘類とさわやかなノートを与えるビールで、滑らかで喉の渇きを癒し、適度な苦味で飲みやすいフィニッシュ。名前は”citrus + rust = CITRUST”。Rustとは”錆び”という意味で、アメリカンペールエールがレモン、グレープフルーツの皮のシトラスに侵されてサビていくような様子を重ね合わせた。ラベルデザインも錆びていく様子が描かれる。

原材料 :麦芽・ホップ・レモンピール・グレープフルーツピール
ホップ :Mosaic, Simcoe, Azacca

Citrust is the new Fruit APA , a beer in which the explosion and combination of American hops and lime and grapefruit peels give pleasant citrus and refreshing hints. The result is a smooth and thirst-quenching drink, the moderate bitter finish combines well with the citrus and tropical notes that characterize this beer.

The citrus and tropical components are evident on the nose, the lime and grapefruit peels are clearly distinguishable, followed by the resinous hints given by the mix of Simcoe, Mosaic and Amarillo hops. As on the nose, the lime and grapefruit prevail on the palate, accompanied by a fairly intense bitter component and a dry finish.

Citrust (pronounced Sitrast ) is a beer whose label is meant to represent the signs of time, in which the can material is in contact with agents that have led to oxidation and therefore rust (in English rust ). In this case, the oxidation was caused by the citrus part ( citrus ), whose components have also affected the label.



