Blanche Noise / ブロンシュ ノイズ

EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
スタイルWheat / ウィート - Blanche / ブロンシュ



原材料 :麦芽・ホップ・小麦・オーツ麦・カモミール・タンジェリンピール・ペッパー
ホップ :Golding, Saaz

Blanche Noise is a Witbier or Blanche style beer , a Belgian wheat beer, malty, spicy and drinkable, typical of Belgium. In this version, however, we have made it an Italian Blanche, thanks to the use of purely Italian ingredients.

Blanches are known to be beers belonging to the Ales family, in which top-fermenting yeasts are used. Blanche Noise is a pale and opalescent beer, slightly cloudy, with accentuated notes of spices. The head is dense, well present, white and with very fine bubbles.

On the nose, the dominant aroma is the delicate one of mandarin peel, chamomile flowers and Bengal pepper used in boiling. On tasting, the body is light, delicately velvety, the carbonation is evident. The drink is refreshing and easy to appeal, not at all bitter.

Blanche Noise is a play on words referring to White Noise, the sound frequency characterized by the absence of periodicity in time and by the constant amplitude on the frequency spectrum. Its representation is on the label and is not only visible, it can also be perceived by touch! Order it now and try it



