Mia / ミア
EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイングスタイル | ラガー - Helles / ヘレス |
ABV | 4.8% |
IBU | 18.0 |
原材料 :麦芽・ホップ
ホップ :Tettnager, Saaz, Mittlefruh, Saphir
Mia is a pale beer belonging to the Lager Hell family, the pale, bottom-fermented beers typical of Central Europe.
Beer with a golden color and pleasant malty scents, with delicate notes of acacia honey, bread crust and white flowers, given by German hops. The aroma is moderate, the malt part is dominant and not too invasive.
The drink is smooth, pleasantly sweet and dry on the finish. Once again the malt is the dominant part, the body is soft and supported by a decidedly delicate bitter part.
Mia is the beer for everyone, simple, clean, with a low alcohol content, not very bitter and suitable for any moment. The drink is smooth, light and not demanding, also suitable for the less prepared palates.
We called this Lager Hell Mia, a tribute to one of the goddesses of cinema in one of her funniest and most enjoyable interpretations.
Without modern reinterpretations, nor innovative interpretations and whims of the brewer, for every moment and for every occasion. Simply MIA.
ブルワリー EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
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Krill Bill / クリルビル
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Nachmeleny / ナフメレニー
Godspeed Brewery / ゴッドスピードブルワリー
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Laga Biere Brasserie Artisanale / ラガビエールブラッスリーアーティザナル
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G7-J4 / ジーセブン ジェイフォー
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Echidna / エキドナ
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EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
Liquifade / リクイフェイド
EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
Ipaconda / イパコンダ
EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
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EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング
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EDIT Brewing / エディット ブリューイング