Arrogant Bastard Ale / アロガントバスタードエール
Stone Brewing /ストーンブリューイングスタイル | その他エール - Strong Ale / ストロングエール |
ABV | 7.2% |
IBU | - |
ちなみに、2015年10月よりArrogant BastardシリーズはArrogant Bastard Brewingと呼ばれるStoneとは別のブランドで展開されることとなった。
恐らく気に入ることは無いだろう。お前たちがこの味わいや深みを理解できるだけの素養があるかどうか非常に疑わしい。味のない“fizzy yellow beer(ヤワで黄色いビール)”を飲んでいるのがお似合いだ。
似たような味わいのビールもこれまで造られてきたが、“Liquid Arrogance”を体現したビールはこの世にArrogant Bastard Ale 1つだけだ。
This is an aggressive beer. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory—maybe something with a multimillion-dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made at an independent brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless seltzer / fizzy yellow beer / whatever-the-hell will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multimillion-dollar ad campaigns make all that junk taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this.
We believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator represents the height of tyranny—a virtual form of keeping the consumer barefoot, stupid & led by the nose social media. Brought forth upon an unsuspecting public in 1997, Arrogant Bastard Ale openly challenged the tyrannical overlords who were brazenly attempting to keep the people chained in the shackles of poor taste. One glance around and it’s glaringly obvious: they’re of now. Yet we will not stop. Ever. Since the very beginning, Arrogant Bastard Ale has reveled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale…even outright attempts to copy it…but only one can ever embody the true nature of Liquid Arrogance! Hated By Many. Loved By Few.
ブルワリー Stone Brewing /ストーンブリューイング
CA,San Diego / カリフォルニア州,サンディエゴ
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