Watermelon Gose / ウォーターメロン ゴーゼ
West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイングスタイル | サワー - Gose / ゴーゼ |
ABV | 4.5% |
IBU | - |
キミは、あの“スイカちゃん”を覚えてる?急遽Mr.Dの指令により、あのコの畑にこっそり忍び込むHop Dudeたち。
In and out of sakura shenanigans, it is now officially GOSE SZN. Hop Dudes don’t exactly have a holiday on their calendar to mark the occasion but, weather in the low to mid 20s, ramping up the balmy / humid / general-lack-of-comfort quotient - you just know its time. At WCB we don’t put a lot of salt in our goodies, but there is something about watermelon / cucumber (that “uri” fam) and a touch of salt that is refreshing and that we absolutely love. Watermelon / Guava / Lime purées speak for themselves, along with sea salt and a touch of coriander seed combining forces for a thirst-quenching yet slightly addictive sensory. And when Shinjuku station is peaking occupancy (aka you’ve got literal condensation on the walls from that ocean of humanity), before and / or after a WC IPA, you best take our advice and be sipping on a Watermelon Gose. As an aside, can’t wait to do this beer one more time. A little lower pH/TA, maybe a touch more pronounced salt for the style. This one will def be making a comeback at some point to push the envelope a bit more.
Watermelon Gose
Gose / 4.5% ABV
ブルワリー West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
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West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
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West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
Watermelon Gose / ウォーターメロン ゴーゼ
West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
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