Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイングスタイル | スタウト - Stout / スタウト |
ABV | 4.5% |
IBU | 28.0 |
Dark / Sessionable / Smooth
Dispatched each day at dawn, Odin’s two ravens fly the world over, bringing news from the land of men back to the Norse god by nightfall. What secrets do they gather as they spy from on high, or scavenge from the leavings of men? Next time the birds call at your door, perhaps a glass of Blackmail - with its rich, round and slightly sweet character - will still their extortive tongues.
COLOUR Dark brown
AROMA Roasty / Chocolate
CHARACTER Smooth / Sessionable
A.B.V. 4.5%
PAIRS WITH Oysters / BBQ / Rich Stew / Buttery Cheese / Chocolate Cake
Originally advertised as a nutritional supplement for new mothers, milk stouts contain Lactose sugar which gives this beer a rich round and slightly sweet character. Blackmail is only 4.5%abv and has a soft roast and chocolate character.
HOPS Columbus / Cascade
YEAST 1318
IBU 28
OG 1.047
ブルワリー Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイング
Y. MARKET BREWING / ワイマーケットブルーイング
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Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイング
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Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイング
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Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイング
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Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイング
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Strange Fellows Brewing / ストレンジフェローズブリューイング
AS ONE / アズワン
Break edge beer works / ブレイクエッジビアワークス
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Break edge beer works / ブレイクエッジビアワークス