Sunstead White Nectarine 2023 / サンステッド ホワイトネクタリン2023
Insight Cellars / インサイト セラーズスタイル | その他エール - Wild Ale / ワイルドエール |
ABV | 6.6% |
IBU | - |
Our Sunstead series captures the essence of perfectly ripe stone fruits, allowing us to savor the warm flavors of summer all year long. The base beer is a blend of one, two and three-year-old Danish Wild Ales aged in Chardonnay and Monbazillac barrels. We racked this onto freshly destoned and crushed white nectarines at a rate of over 600 grams of nectarines per liter, and left it to macerate with the fruit for over a month before bottling. This complex, soft and juicy beer tastes almost like biting into a fragrant nectarine, transporting you back to the high days of summer no matter when you drink it.
ブルワリー Insight Cellars / インサイト セラーズ
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