Establish The Run / エスタブリッシュ ザ ラン
West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Hazy Double IPA / Hazy W-IPA |
ABV | 8.0% |
IBU | - |
Hop Dudeたちの娯楽といえば、ビール片手にアメフト鑑賞。彼らにとって憧れの的、チームを栄光へと導くレジェンドのテクニックは、地道なトレーニングの積み重ねがあってこそ。数々のタックルを受けても、倒れることなくタッチダウンを決めてしまう強い持久力と機敏な判断、その姿はホップ界のビーストモード……!
他に差をつけ走り抜く。俊敏かつ複雑に、神経を研ぎ澄ませて向かうゴールライン。「Establish The Run」片手に、心が躍りまくるMr.DとHop Dude。この日だけは誰にも邪魔はさせない!熱狂の渦に包まれた、新たなリーグが開幕する。
We are BACK. Year 1 of the MM regime felt like a good time to change up the art but, I’m sure there will be plenty of ground game to supplement the new Grubb scheme (please x3 have an explosive offense this year). Having spent my entire life trapped / blessed? in fandom and fealty for the home team we are back for yet another campaign, kicking it off vs the Broncos at home this week - and so a Football-themed Hazy Double IPA it is. While this year’s version of ETR (on the field) is a complete mystery, the Hop Dude version is laden with Kohia Nelson and Cashmere (tropical awesomeness), has the body of your favorite pass pro left tackle and a pillowy mouthfeel like an epic game-winning touchdown call when the color commentator screams “NO FLAGS”. Idk about you but I need a cold one (or several) to get me through watching the countless no calls for holding, the booth reviews that don’t get overturned and the 3rd and 16+ we somehow magically let them get first downs on all the time. In all seriousness though fingers crossed we stay healthy, Geno shines like 2022 and we ESTABLISH THE freaking RUN, for those sweet sweet deep balls and good times
Establish The Run
Hazy Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Kohia Nelson & Cashmere
ブルワリー West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
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RUN / ラン
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The Left / ザ レフト
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For Old Times’ Sake
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レッツ・ラ ゴーゴーゴーゴー
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